
The final pages of Incredible Doom Issue #4 are now up for everyone to read for free.

If you’ve one of the folks who likes to wait till the entire issue is done to read it, it’s here!

I’ll be sending out print editions of this issue to Patrons soon. If you’d like one, sign up before October 19th to get one sent to you for only $4. It’s got a pretty neat looking feelie included in the print edition as well. See below.

Read Issue #5

The print edition of Issue #5

The print edition of Issue #5

This issue, the “feelie” is the scrap of paper Richard draws Tinas tag on, from the back of Billys car.

This issue, the “feelie” is the scrap of paper Richard draws Tinas tag on, from the back of Billys car.

The reverse side of the newspaper scrap has a genuine newspaper ad from a computer store in 1991. Each feelie has a different scrap of ad.

The reverse side of the newspaper scrap has a genuine newspaper ad from a computer store in 1991. Each feelie has a different scrap of ad.